SuperMassive Black Hole is an intergalactic portal to deep within...
for all the cosmic stoke and astral vibrations
Go Deeper •

A journey into the singularity of London’s underground scene
A photographic exploration of the autonomy and cross-pollination of cultures, professions and ideas that the London underground scene incubates, while appreciating that these spaces created the world over are some of the most important for modern society.
In an increasingly divided and individualised society we must strive to protect and encourage these public spaces for open and inhibited communication, in order to remain connected to ourselves and one another; essential in order to continually manifesting the new.
Don’t just edge around the event horizon my friend, dive on in…
photo zine animation Support the ting, cop the zine!!!
Everyday till 8
Your Next Favourite Cafe, Pelican House,
144 Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London E1 5QJ
Click for Facebook event and more info