Five years of Grey skateboard magazine video

It’s been a very bleak few years for skateboard print magazines, but luckily we have Grey – a real Phoenix from the ashes. In its small form size its super easy to grab from your local skate store an read on the go. Always packed with the interviews you wanna read an shots you need to see. Grey magazine have been a truly essential part of the UK scene for the past few years, an it shows with this brilliant retrospective


Here’s to another five more amazing years of Grey!!!

Cheers guys!!!

Paris – scene video ft the blobys + Alex Olson, Hjalte Halbery, Rory Milanes, Blondey McCoy and more

This iPhone edit by Jack Greer is a nicely pieced together selection of tricks from the blobys out an about their home town, along with clips from visiting pros, including some tasty alt angles of the Palace boys from recent Paramount edit with Bronze 56k.

It has a real onlooker feel to the edit, as though you were actually there with the crew. Really feeling it.


Paris from Jack Greer on Vimeo.

Life is Goodie – Jessie Alba’s full length video

Jesse Alba has been putting out proper fun time new york YouTube edits for a good while now, under username juicyelbows, they’re packed with creative skating and general feel good vibes.

He recently put out a full length titled Life is Goodie, which really builds on the essence of fun from the YouTube edits, inventive skating littered with nintendo samples and other hillarious exerts to a classic pop soundtrack, its a joy start to finish.

As Jesses Alba is safe as fuck, he has now put the edit out for free on YouTube for everyone to get hyped on!

Enjoy 😀